Present at Founders Blend

Presenting at Founders Blend gives you a chance to share your business’s story while also finding support from our entrepreneurial community.

What does your business get in return?

Valuable feedback, a chance for fellowship, and connecting with other business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders from around our community.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t know it well enough.”

- Albert Einstein

  • Attend

    The best way to understand what presenting your business looks like? Attend Founders Blends meetings. You’ll soon make connections and build relationships with others around you,

  • Sign Up

    Local businesses that are less than 10 years old and open to community engagement can apply to present at Founders Blend. Have questions about applying? Drop us a message at

  • Schedule

    Once your application is submitted, the community organizers will get back to you with any follow-up questions. You'll work together to schedule a presentation date.

  • Prepare

    While you’re preparing, get your presentation to 6 minutes and be ready to answer questions. Focus on sharing about who you are, what your business is doing, and your plans for the future. Afterwards, our emcee will facilitate a Q&A where you’ll get feedback and insight.